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On business in a sentence

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Sentence count:180+8 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: businessbusinessmancousinhousingfitnesswitnessawarenesswilderness
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1) A friendship founded on business is better than business founded on friendship. 
2) He's currently abroad on business.
3) He is absent on business.
4) I presume you're here on business.
5) I have to go to Rome on business.
6) I'm afraid the master is away on business.
7) Are u here on business or for pleasure?
8) I'm here on business.
9) Money spent on business expenses is deductible.
10) I have to go to London on business tomorrow.
11) We don't see eye to eye on business issues.
12) I quite often go to Paris on business.
13) She's in New York this week on business .
14) Are you in Paris on business or pleasure?
15) My girlfriend is often away on business trips.
16) Paul travels a lot on business.
17) His Lordship is away on business.
18) I have to go to Manchester tomorrow on business.
19) I'm going away on business.
20) I'll be away on business next week.
21) She's always haring off to France on business.
22) I'm in Baltimore on business.
23) He's away on business at the moment.
24) He goes away on business a lot.
25) She often goes abroad on business.
26) He went to Hong Kong on business.
27) Barbara is out of town on business this week.
28) Can I see you on business.
29) Mr Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business.
30) Joe had been leading a double life[],[ business.html] seeing an ex-model while his wife believed he was on business.
More similar words: businessbusinessmancousinhousingfitnesswitnessawarenesswildernesswillingnesseffectivenessconsciousnessprocessingin excess ofon boardbushabuseon behalf ofnestmusicmusicalhonestlymusicianmusic standexclusivesinceconclusionexclusivelysingercasinosingle
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